Energy Check Services for Homeowners
Your home is a system with many interrelated parts, just like your body. So if you have a medical problem, do you seek out a generalist or a specialist first?
At Home Energy Check, we can help you isolate the issues and recommend solutions prior to calling in the specialist to repair the problem. Or if you are building a new home, we can help you make informed decisions up front before its to late to ensure comfort when you occupy your new home. With home performance testing you can move closer to a high performance home, not an average home!

Three levels of service...
We will work with you to scientifically pinpoint the areas for potential improvements in your home which means you won’t be paying for repairs that give marginal gains. And after the repairs, we can come back to ensure the work was done correctly. That’s different!!
What are we looking for? Control over the systems… What are the main two systems of the home? The enclosure (walls/ceiling/floor and the components within) and the heart (HVAC systems). Both of these must work together to provide comfort to the inhabitants….
And that’s what we are all about at Home Energy Check, High Performance Homes that work!!
By Percentage, Where Does a House Leak?

Questions? Give us a call!
(910) 986-6913